
Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Use Your Cell Phone's Camera to Help Find Your Glasses [Body Hacks]

Use Your Cell Phone's Camera to Help Find Your GlassesFor those of us with nearsightedness, there's usually at least one point in the day where we set down our glasses and can't find them. Reddit user Ziptyze solves this problem by using a cell phone's camera to get a temporary clear picture of the world.

It's a clever trick that works well in a pinch. If you have myopia, you can see close objects, so the cell phone camera operates like a tiny window into a world we can't normally see. You probably don't want to walk around with your cell phone planted three inches from your face all day long, but for those panic moments when you can't find your glasses it works great.

Waking up without glasses | Reddit

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